Generative AI allows us to tell photorealistic stories in ways never seen before and catapult our imagination into reality.
Whether it's finding limited edition IRL art drops, hunting for treasures abroad, or scouring for the most expressive visual trends, curation is what we do.
Cohesive generative AI video is coming fast, and until then we're still cranking out video 1.0.
selected works
You have to break yourself before you make yourself.
> Ducminh Nguyen
"With the rise of AI, for the first time, the barrier of skill is swept away. In this evolving era, taste is the new skill."
> Claire Silver
There’s something so special about early versions of AI models. They mark a significant point in time - when AI was distinct for its imperfectness and illogicality.
> Katie Morris
ai transformation process
Our Experience
DUC SUZYas traditional professionals